Somebody Give Jon an Oscar

Lucky Devil, for real: Diablo Cody, won the Academy Award for her original screenplay "Juno." There couldn't have been a more indie/suicide girl moment all night. Cody, utterly shocked by the win, floats up to the podium in her leopard skin, inked up, starry-eyed. The first words she utters are: "What is happening?"
Cody's win was something I hoped for but did not predict. For the most part, I predicted the Academy would vote against my favorites in the categories that weren't forgone conclusions. I wanted "There Will Be Blood" to take Best Picture but I knew the Coen brothers would win that one. I thought for sure though that Julie Christie would rob ma fille, Marion Cotillard of her rightful honors. Luckily, I got that one wrong.
In the end, one point is what separated me and my friend Loren when it came to voting in the Oscar ballot. Yeah ... the bitch beat me by one point; she switched from "Michael Clayton" to "Juno" for Best Original Screenplay at the last minute. She said very matter-of-factly, "I have faith."
Obviously the Oscars are more important to some of us. For Loren I think it's that movie, that character, that riot grrrl pinup of a writer. For the record, I think she's amazing too.
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