"I'm Getting Excited ... Again"

I felt so guilty about blogging a NYT bestselling romance novel that I had to immediately post about the main event for this week.
The Dark Knight is going to be great. Even if it doesn't fully live up to the hype, it will feature the last completed screen performance of the late Heath Ledger.
Everyone is praising Ledger's turn as The Joker; of course, bad-mouthing wouldn't be easy given the circumstances. Nevertheless, we all know what the actor was capable of, coming off of a nuanced "tour de force" performance in Brokeback Mountain and a critically acclaimed bit in I'm Not There.
I'm also looking forward to seeing Bale reprise his role and waiting for Maggie Gyllenhaal to beat Katie Holmes' passionless Rachel Dawes into my far retreating memory. Bale and Gyllenhaal, both highly accomplished actors, have been over-shadowed by the press surrounding Ledger thus far.
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